तनीयांसं पांसुं तव चरणपङ्केरुहभवं
विरिञ्चिस्सञ्चिन्वन् विरचयति लोकानविकलम् ।
वहत्येनं शौरिः कथमपि सहस्रेण शिरसां
हरस्संक्षुद्यैनं भजति भसितोद्धूलनविधिम् ॥ २॥
"Thaneeyaamsam Paamsum Thava Charanapankeruhabhavam
Virinchisanchinvan Virachayathi Lokaanavikalam!
Vahathyenam Showrihi Kathamapi Sahasrena Shirasaam
Haraha Sankshudyainam Bhajathi Bhasithodhoolanavidhim!"
Taniyamsum Paamsum – the fine dust; Tava Charaa – from your (Shakti) feet; Pankheruha – Lotus like; Bhavam – arising out of; Virinchi – Brahma; Sanchinvan Virachayati – gathering up; Lokanvan – Worlds; Avikalam – creates; Vahaty – bears continuously; enam – the same; Sowri – Vishnu (Sowri is one of Vishnu’s other names which means one with hair / wig); Katham Api – somehow or the other; Sahasrena – a thousand; Sirasam – heads; Harah – Shiva; Sankshudyainam – having shaken it up; Bhajati – accomplishes religiously; Bhasito – Bhasma (ashes); Dhoolana – smearing; Vidhim – ritual (method)
Literal Meaning:
Collecting minute particles of the dust falling from HER (Shakti’s) feet that are like the lotus, Brahma, the creator, creates the universe without any imperfection, Vishnu (Sowri), the protector / sustainer, bears it somehow or the other with great effort on his head in the form of Adisesha, the thousand hooded snake, and Shiva, the destructor, reduces the particles into ashes and smears His body with the ash at the time for dissolution.
Deeper Philosophy:
This verse speaks of the unimaginable or infinite power of Shakti. By stating that because of HER powers bestowed on Brahma (Virinchi), as the creator, He is able to create the universe without any imperfection. Vishnu, as the protector, is able to somehow (Katham Api) manage to hold the universe or all the 14 lokas created by Brahma, on his head. He does so in the form of Adisesha, the thousand headed serpent on which is shown to lie down. The 14 lokas created by Brahma are seen uniformly in all scriptures as seven above the earth (Bhoomandala) and seven below (nether worlds) below the earth and Vishnu (referred as Sowri – the one with hair or a wig) sustains these 14 worlds from below on his thousand hooded head as Adisesha. Shiva, the destructor, destroys or reduces everything into ashes in His act of dissolution and smears this ash over his body – an act seen as His ritual.
This verse actually implies that all gods and goddesses and demi-gods get their power (shakti) to perform their duties from HER. In this verse, SHE (Shakti) is the Brahman with its inherent power.
The Kathopanishad (Part II Canto III Verse 2 and 3 – mentioned below) says that the Brahman wields power in the form Vajra or the Thunderbolt and is ready to strike on dereliction of duty (Dharma) and that, it is out of this fear of being struck by the Brahman with Vajra / Thunderbolt that Agni (Fire god) gives light and heat, Sury (Sun god) shines brilliantly, Varuna (Water god) rains water and so on and that, even Indra, Yama etc., rush to perform their duties out of this fear.
Kathopanishad (Part II, Canto III, Verse 2 & 3):
यदिदं किं च जगत् सर्वं प्राण एजति निःसृतम् ।
महद्भयं वज्रमुद्यतं य एतद्विदुरमृतास्ते भवन्ति ॥ २॥
भयादस्याग्निस्तपति भयात्तपति सूर्यः ।
भयादिन्द्रश्च वायुश्च मृत्युर्धावति पञ्चमः ॥ ३॥
This verse also implies that SHE rules all the triads such as, creation, sustenance and destruction; the three Gunas – Satva, Rajas and Tamas; the three Shaktis – Ichha, Gnana and Kriya; the three types of Karma – Sanchita (accumulation from the past), Prarabdha (from the present actions) and Agamya (the future results of present actions) and many other triads of life that indicate HER supreme power. By stating that even the three supreme Gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, derive their powers (Shakti) from HER for performing their acts, HER power or supremacy in infinite limits is portrayed through this verse.
Mode of worship:
Japa of this Verse can be done for the purpose of Anushthaan or obtaining Siddhi (perfection) in the following manner. Else, for good living of self and all around, atleast 11 times’ chanting everyday is recommended to attain prescribed results. The Yantra for this verse is to be made on a gold plate or on gold sheet paper. Sit facing North and chant the sloka 1000 times daily for 12, 45 or 55 days.
Beeja Akshara: Hreem
Archana: Chant Lalitha Trishathi offering kum kum.
Offerings/Neivedya: Sweet milk kheer, coconuts and fruits.
Beneficial Results: Gaining vast influence over others and fascination of those around.
Actual Results: This mitigates evil influence of Rahu like the evil placement of Rahu in the horoscope as also during the Rahu Maha dasa. It is also useful for persons whose Moon is in the constellations Ardra, Swathi and Satabhisham that are ruled by Rahu.
''Hari Om''