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Soundarya Lahari – Verse No.4

त्वदन्यः पाणिभ्यामभयवरदो दैवतगणः

त्वमेका नैवासि प्रकटितवराभीत्यभिनया ।

भयात् त्रातुं दातुं फलमपि च वाञ्छासमधिकं

शरण्ये लोकानां तव हि चरणावेव निपुणौ ॥ ४॥

"Thvad-Anyaha Paanibhyaam-abhaya-varado Daivathaganaha

Thvamekaa Naivaasi Prakatitha-varaabheethy-abhinayaa!

Bhayaat-traathum Daathum Phalamapi Cha Vaanchaa-sam Adhikam

Sharanye Lokaanaam Thava Hi Charanaav-eva Nipunau!"


Tvad Anyah – other than yours; Panibhyam – by hands; Abhaya – free (freedom) from fear; Varado – grant of boon; Daivata ganah – various divinities; Tvam – you; Eka – alone; Naivasi – are not them / thus; Prakatita Varabhity – in not appearing or acting; Abhinaya – gesture (of granting a boon); Bhayat – fear; Traatum – save from; Daatum – grant; Phalam – blessed; Api Ca – other than; Vancha-sam – asked for; Adhikam – more than; Saranye – in whose refuge; Lokanam – the worlds; Tava hi – yours are; Caranav – Feet; Eva – alone; Nipunau – expert.

Literal Meaning:

All deities, except You, grant protection and fulfil desires by gestures of their hands to the devotees. You alone are supreme and not given to any such external demonstration of granting boons and giving refuge from various fears, because Your feet are by themselves powerful to protect those in the grip of fear and grant more than what is sought / desired by those who seek You."

Deeper Philosophy:

The first introduction to the grace and beauty of Shakti begins from this verse and gradually builds up more in detail in the latter half of Saundarya Lahari. It is initially very difficult or nearly impossible to imagine Her divine beauty or Her power in saguna form from Her abstract or the nirguna form. Therefore, the first introduction to Her beautiful divine form is begun from the vision of Her feet.

The supremacy of Shakti over all the deities is explained in this verse by way of a comparison in the manner in which She is capable of granting boons and protection / refuge from various kinds of fears to those who seek Her. While all deities are said to gesture their hands in the Abhaya mudra (upward facing right palm as seen in most idols) to grant refuge to their devotees as also to grant them boons, the power of Devi is such that merely a look at Her feet is enough to obtain Her refuge and blessings more than asked for which is possible only because She is the ‘absolute’. This also explains that all the deities derive their powers to function from Her who is the ‘absolute’.

She is the ‘absolute’ Divine Mother, which is well described in the very first line of the first verse / sloka of Sri Lalita Sahasranama: “Sri Mata Sri Maharagni Sri-mat Simhasaneshwari”, which is, the Queen Mother, the Queen of Queens and the one who sits on the Throne of thrones. Also, Her names 249 – Pancha-pretasanasina and 250 Panchabrahma Swarupini – of Sri Lalita Sahasranama explain adequately Her supremacy. Shiva is ‘pure Consciousness’ and His power is ‘Para-Shakti’. Thus, Devi, as Para-Shakti, is the Absolute and Supreme power. Therefore, it is She who takes over all the functions of the powers of Shiva – creation, sustenance, annihilation/destruction, concealment (maya) and grace and, by being the supreme power, She needs no specific efforts to grant boons or refuge to those who seek Her.

Mode of worship:

For benefits of self and the near and dear, one may recite the verse at least 11 times every day. For specific japa, one may meditate on the feet of Shakti while reciting this verse a 1000 times daily for 16, 36 or 40 days for desired results. The Yantra for this verse may be made on gold or silver plate or on gold/silver sheets of paper/foil sheet. Sit facing North-East (or East).

Beeja Akshara: Dum. It may be noted that Dum is also the Durga beeja akshra mantra. It bestows the prosperity, grace, beauty and valour of Durga.

Offerings: Rice cooked with green-gram pulse, cooked rice mixed with lemon juice, bits of sugarcane and milk.

Beneficial Results: Reciting this verse cures diseases, grants freedom from fear and poverty. It is believed as per some texts that it also enables possession of vast estates. Again, as most verses indicate, this verse too speaks of Adi Shakti’s benevolence in granting prosperity or material prosperity besides the spiritual uplift.

Literal Results: As the focus of this verse is on the limbs (hands (for mudra) and feet), this verse suites well for dancers and instrumentalists (musicians).

''Hari Om''


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